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Saturday, May 31st 2014

12noon-5pm cst

Sequiota Park

3500 S. Lone Pine

Springfield MO 65804




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Registration information:


  • Please email Names, address and number attending to, and a registration package will be emailed to you.


  • Hotel information and discounts being worked on right now as well as other details.....


  • Those wishing to become a donor or sponsor, please email for your specific information pack.


   In subject line please enter-guest, donor or vendor to ensure you receive the proper registration package.







keep checking back.........more details to come


Activities for the children will be planned such as water balloons, sack races, and more. A schedule of events to be posted.


There will be concessions and vendor booths set up. As well as, information booths for services.


There will be voluntary security provided at this event. (Parents will ultimately be responsible for their children)

A liability waiver will be included in the registration packet.


We are also currently working to schedule speakers for the picnic on many subjects including services ,treatments and research.

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